About the Retreat

Each speaker prays and develops messages from God’s Word that will meet needs that missionaries may have in their personal, family and ministerial lives. Church members that attend are challenged concerning their personal relationship with the Lord, the Will of God for their  lives and the needs that are in missions.

Retreat Hosts



Jonathan & Rachelle Lyons, Florida, U.S.


Gib & Kathy Wood, Landshtul, GE


John & Rose Radank, Ansbach, GE

Powerful Preaching


Meeting The Needs Through The Preaching Of God’s Word

Each message and seminar is geared to meet the needs of the missionaries and those that attend. After much prayer the speakers are chosen and the topics assigned. Each message is developed by the speakers to encourage the attendees.



Fellowship…what a need for missionaries. Sometimes they feel alone and even forgotten. This retreat has become like a “Family Reunion” for many missionaries serving across Europe and North America. What a blessing to be able to come together with independent Baptist missionaries of like faith and simply relate and enjoy the friendship of each other. Many church members who attend have been challenged and blessed by finding out first hand from the missionaries what the blessings and heartaches in the missionary work in other countries around the world.

We are able to laugh together; sing together; pray together and share blessings, as well as burdens, with those who understand what living and ministering on the mission field is all about. In the years since we began the retreat in 1997, many missionaries have been encouraged both in their family and ministry lives.

Ladies Seminars


Seminars that focus on relevant women’s issues. The life of a missionary wife and mother, as well as a single missionary lady, is perhaps one of the most rewarding lives a woman could have. It can also be one of the most frustrating and challenging lives any lady could face. With this in mind the Mission Possible European Retreat ladies have specially planned seminars given by missionary and pastors’ wives , for women, about women. Each seminar is focused on relevant women’s issues and spiritual encouragement. All ladies, regardless of being a missionary or not, enjoy and greatly benefit from these seminars.



Lots Of Things To Do and See
Explore Some Of Germany’s Oldest Cities

Rothenburg, with its splendid location and charming medieval atmosphere, hardly any other town is able to captivate its visitors in quite the same way as Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

A walk through this small town is an unforgettable encounter with bygone centuries. The imposing building of the Town Hall, stately towers, massive fortifications, churches and patrician houses are witnesses to a mighty imperial past. An imperial castle dating back to 1142 represents the beginning of the town.

Käthe Wohlfahrt’s Christmas Village

Käthe Wohlfahrt’s Christmas Village is located in the center of the romantic medieval town of Rothenburg, just off the Market Square. An area of over 16,000 sq. ft. is used to display items of almost every type of traditional German Christmas. In Käthe Wohlfahrt’s “Christmas Village” you will find the largest selection of German Christmas decorations WORLDWIDE!

Experience German – European Atmosphere And Cuisine

Shop to Your Heart’s Content!



Wow, each year we are amazed at the talent that we have among the missionaries and friends that attend the Mission Possible European Retreat. What a blessing to sing the old hymns of the faith. Missionaries have commented that is one of the things they missed the most about being on the mission field.
When we get together and sing as a congregation it is like “Heaven comes down and fills our souls.” The hymns and specials speak to our hearts, uplift our spirits and gives praise and glory to God. We have group singing, solos, duets, trios, quartets, instrumental numbers and even music in the languages from where the missionaries serve.



"The Mission Possible European Retreat is a time that we can get together with friends and be encouraged in the Word of God and share each others’ burdens."
"I so enjoyed sharing blessings and concerns with brothers and sisters in the Lord. God is so good to give us time to just dwell on Him and others."
"This is our 5th consecutive year at this retreat and has been a special blessing to us."
"The most encouraging meeting I have ever attended."
"This retreat has consistently been the most helpful and encouraging meeting that my wife and I have ever been part of. We will save and Lord willing, be back next year."
"Best ever – Great because of Spirit directed leadership, Spirit powered preaching and Spirit filled fellowship."
"This has been a Real Treat and next year it will be a RE-TREAT! Great preaching and fellowship."
"The messages and teaching challenged me in specific areas that helped me change my attitude, my heart; it also helped me to refocus and encouraged me in my relationship with the Lord!"
"Being able to see the people who pray for me and love me was so encouraging. Meeting new people and learning something from everyone also encouraged me. I look forward to next year."
"Thank you for not making the retreat “mission board related’. We like the idea of coming together as missionaries for encouragement."